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MyShopKit Design Wizard Editor WordPress Plugin

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Short description:

Easily make a design right on your site

No graphic design skills? No problem. Customize your design with MyShopKit Design Wizard. With our huge library of templates, you can tailor the perfect template for your needs.

Ultimate design experience

Create a design in minutes with the MyShopKit Design Wizard. Select from our huge library of artistic templates, tweak them to fit your needs, and they'll be available on your site within minutes. Our plug-in is always reachable; where there’s an image block there’s MyShopKit Design Wizard.

Images your customers will love

The best thing about this magic plug-in is that it allows you to customize your designs and put them to use without any hassle. You can use it to create postcards, flyers, posters, banners, and other design resources for your business. To keep things interesting, we're always adding new templates.

Unlimited use

You can use our templates for your blog, eCommerce website, or any other website. You can also change the typography or shape of the hero image and other elements in the template. You can upload your own designs to be used from within the plugin. And, if you want to share your works with friends, you can download them too!

Accessible to many designers

More than 1 accounts on your website are able to access the plugin and make a design at the same time. With its intuitive interface, you and your coworkers won’t find any trouble in designing high-converting images.

An image's worth a million words. With MyShopKit Design Wizard, you can express that million words eloquently.

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