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MonsterONE License Terms

1. The Key Points

All items within MonsterONE Subscription are licensed under equal terms.

You are authorized to use items downloaded from MonsterONE to create final products for you or your clients.

When you download an item you can use it in one project. If you want to use the same item in a new project you need to redownload it.

Further, you can find about certain restrictions applied to the use of our items:

  • You are not allowed to redistribute items.
  • You are not allowed to use our items for on-demand services like Saas platforms.
  • You are not allowed to use items downloaded from MonsterONE to promote your products or services.

After termination of the subscription, the license of MonsterONE will no longer be available to you. Still, the license will remain valid for all products created during the active period of your subscription.

All active projects should be completed, published, or transferred to clients before the license expiration date.

If your project is yet to be done and you want to continue using items from MonsterONE you need to prolong the subscription.

2. The Essential Terms of Use

You can use the items provided by MonsterONE for creating end-products both for yourself or for end-users.

You can also provide the end-products to the clients in case they are the end-users.

  1. Terms and conditions for using items

    All items downloaded from MonsterONE website should be a part of an editable final product and should not be distributed “as is” or with minor modifications. The final product may include several items from the subscription, but they should differ significantly from the original product and have their value.
  2. License Validity

    You are free to use any of the downloaded items as long as your subscription is active. Please make sure to finish your end-product and publish it or pass it to your client before the subscription expires. In the event your end-product is not finished and you wish to continue using the downloaded items you will need to renew the subscription.
  3. Unlimited Downloads

    There are no limitations for your downloads, however, the mass download of the items is forbidden and may lead to disabling your account permanently with no further reimbursement possible.
  4. Free Items

    All items available as Free are released under the terms equal to paid ones. When using free files, you have to attribute the author. When downloading the free item, copy the attribution link that you should add to the final product. Using the free product without attribution is prohibited.

3. What is Allowed to do

3.1. The end-user (your client) has the right to use the item as a part of the end-product. In no way he should separate it from the end-product to use it as a single item.

3.2. All items provided as a part of MonsterONE Subscription are backed by General Assistance support services provided for 1 year from the date of purchase.

Please, note, that the support services don’t cover following cases:

  • item’s incompatibility with third-party products;
  • when third-parties have made changes in items provided within the license.

For more details please refer to our Support Policy.

3.3. You can use any number of items provided within the license for creating the end-product, as long as you’re following the terms of use.

3.4. Each free file can be used to create end products that can be used commercially. You can use the free files in your project or on behalf of your client. As we are making the files available to you for free, they are provided on an ‘as is’ basis without any warranties.

4. Prohibited Actions

It is prohibited to use the items provided by MonsterONE on such occasions:

4.1. For creating the end-product, if the license has already expired. Please, make sure to delete the item you’ve retrieved from the MonsterONE in case you haven’t created an end-product yet and the license has already come to an end.

4.2. It is forbidden to share or distribute the items or parts of the item as they are, or in the form of a stock, in the form of a template, included in the template, service or package. This rule applies even in the case there were changes made to the items.

4.3. It is prohibited to resell the item. This rule also applies in case the end-product was made with the help and the only value of the end-product is the item included in it (the item becomes the main part of the end-product).

4.4. You can’t claim your rights for any of the products provided within MonsterONE Subscription. The sole right on all the items within the subscription belongs to MonsterONE.

4.5. You cannot claim trademark or service mark rights to the final product created using any item from MonsterONE Subscription.

5. What Happens when the License Expires. The Prolongation

When the subscription license expires you don’t have access to the items library at MonsterONE.

After termination of the subscription, the license of MonsterONE will no longer be available to you. Still, the license will remain valid for all products created during the active period of your subscription.

All active projects should be completed, published, or transferred to clients before the license expiration date.

If your project is yet to be done and you want to continue using items from MonsterONE you need to prolong the subscription.