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Lumbar Spine Vertebrae Medical Illustration Vector Graphic

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by ErOoO
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Short description:

The lumbar spine, located in the lower back, consists of five vertebrae (L1 to L5) and forms the most weight-bearing section of the spinal column. These vertebrae are larger and stronger than those in the cervical and thoracic regions, designed to support the weight of the upper body and allow for flexibility and movement.

Key Features:

  • Vertebrae (L1-L5): The lumbar vertebrae have thick, sturdy bodies and large spinous processes, which are projections of bone that provide attachment points for muscles and ligaments.
  • Intervertebral Discs: Between each lumbar vertebra is a disc made of a tough outer layer (annulus fibrosus) and a gel-like center (nucleus pulposus). These discs act as shock absorbers, cushioning the vertebrae during movement.
  • Spinal Canal: The lumbar spine has a central canal that houses and protects the spinal cord and nerves as they travel down from the brain.
  • Facet Joints: Located at the back of each vertebra, these joints connect the vertebrae to one another, providing stability while allowing flexibility and movement, such as bending and twisting.
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