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Human Intestine Vector Illustration Vector Graphic

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by ErOoO
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Short description:

The intestines are a crucial part of the digestive system, responsible for the absorption of nutrients and water from the food we eat. The intestines are divided into two main sections:

  1. Small Intestine: This is where most of the digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs. It is divided into three parts:
  • Duodenum: The first section where bile and pancreatic enzymes mix with the food to aid in digestion.
  • Jejunum: The middle section where the majority of nutrient absorption takes place.
  • Ileum: The final section that continues the absorption process and connects to the large intestine.
  1. Large Intestine (Colon): This section is responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from indigestible food matter, forming solid waste (feces). It consists of:
  • Cecum: The beginning of the large intestine, which receives material from the small intestine.
  • Colon: The longest part, which absorbs water and salts.
  • Rectum: The final section where feces are stored before being excreted through the anus.

The intestines also play a role in maintaining the body's immune system, as they contain a significant portion of the body's immune cells. The balance of bacteria in the intestines, known as the gut microbiota, is also essential for digestion, immunity, and overall health.

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