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Human Hand Bones Medical Content Vector Graphic

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by ErOoO
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Short description:

The human hand is a highly versatile and complex structure, composed of 27 bones. These bones are categorized into three main groups: the carpal bones, the metacarpal bones, and the phalanges. Here's a detailed overview of these bones:

1. Carpal Bones (8):

These bones form the wrist and the base of the hand. They are arranged in two rows:

Proximal Row (closer to the forearm):

  • Scaphoid: Located near the thumb, it is one of the most commonly fractured wrist bones.
  • Lunate: Situated in the center of the proximal row, it helps in the movement of the wrist.
  • Triquetrum: Positioned next to the lunate, it has a pyramidal shape.
  • Pisiform: A small, pea-shaped bone that sits on top of the triquetrum.

Distal Row (closer to the fingers):

  • Trapezium: Located near the thumb and plays a key role in thumb movement.
  • Trapezoid: The smallest carpal bone in the distal row, it is wedged between the trapezium and the capitate.
  • Capitate: The largest carpal bone, located in the center of the wrist.
  • Hamate: Distinguished by a hook-like projection called the hamulus.

2. Metacarpal Bones (5):

These bones form the middle part of the hand. Each metacarpal bone is numbered from one to five, starting from the thumb side:

  • First Metacarpal: Corresponds to the thumb (pollex).
  • Second Metacarpal: Corresponds to the index finger.
  • Third Metacarpal: Corresponds to the middle finger.
  • Fourth Metacarpal: Corresponds to the ring finger.
  • Fifth Metacarpal: Corresponds to the little finger.

3. Phalanges (14):

These bones make up the fingers. Each finger has a specific arrangement of phalanges:

  • Thumb (Pollex): Has 2 phalanges (proximal and distal).
  • Other Fingers: Each has 3 phalanges (proximal, middle, and distal).
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