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Corporate Skills Icon Set for CV / Resume & Business Communications [PNG/SVG] Vectors Vector Graphic

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Short description:

A set of 20 modern, colourful and concise icons representing the most important and marketable skills and attributes for business, finance, and analytics. The attributes were selected based on Desk Research into Employability and Job Specification. Add them to a CV to stand out, or include them in a presentation for extra visual representation.



To gain access to the Icons folder simply extract from the folder to the desired location on your file system. (Desktop is recommended for ease of access.)



In word, to add the Icons to a document simply access the 'insert' tab at the top of the page, then go to Picture This Device Then access the extracted folder and select your desired icon. The Icon will appear on the page. To play with the positioning of the Icon, select the Icon by clicking it then access the 'Picture format' tab and go to 'Text wrap' from there select the 'In front of text' option and you will have free reign to move the Icon around the page at will.



Similar to word, simply access the 'insert' tab, go to Picture This Device Then access the file location and select your icon and drag and resize it to your hearts content.



I'm a fresh-out-of-school young freelance designer! As per, my E-mail address is always available and my inbox open for questions or guidance on any of my designs!

Contact: [email protected]

**Feel free to use my designs as you see fit, but under no circumstance can you claim creative origin of any of my products.**

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