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UI Elements, Widgets Designed in Figma

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Short description:

UI (User Interface) elements are the visual components that users interact with when using a digital product, such as a website or mobile application. Here are some common UI elements and their descriptions:

  1. Buttons - These are clickable elements used to trigger an action, such as submitting a form or navigating to a different page.
  2. Text fields - These are areas where users can input text, such as their name or email address.
  3. Dropdown menus - These are clickable lists that display options when activated, allowing users to select one option.
  4. Checkboxes - These are clickable elements used to select one or more options from a list.
  5. Radio buttons - These are clickable elements used to select one option from a list of mutually exclusive options.
  6. Sliders - These are draggable elements used to adjust a value, such as volume or brightness.
  7. Tabs - These are clickable elements used to navigate between different sections of content within the same page or screen.
  8. Modal windows - These are temporary windows that overlay the main interface, used to display additional information or prompt users for input.
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