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Submit dashboard on psychology - User experience UI Element

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Submit dashboard on psychology - User experience UI Element
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This UIKit dashboard makes it easy to submit items quickly and accurately, with a focus on reducing the number of inputs required. The key feature of this dashboard is that the price of the item is displayed on the name input, which allows users to make a decision about whether or not to submit the item without having to enter the price separately.

This dashboard is ideal for businesses that need to collect and process a large volume of item submissions, such as e-commerce businesses, retail businesses, and manufacturing businesses


  • Faster decision-making: By displaying the price on the name input, users can make a decision about whether or not to submit the item without having to enter the price separately. This can save users a significant amount of time, especially if they are submitting multiple items.
  • Reduced number of inputs: By combining the name and price inputs, users are only required to enter two pieces of information for each item they submit. This can help to reduce errors and make the submission process more efficient.
  • Improved accuracy: By displaying the price on the name input, users can double-check the price before submitting the item. This can help to reduce errors and ensure that the submitted information is accurate.
  • Increased productivity: By making the submission process faster and easier, this dashboard can help businesses to increase their productivity. This can lead to significant cost savings and improved customer service.


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