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Jouzu - Trivia Quiz Landing Page V2 UI Element

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Short description:

Introducing Jouzu V2, the landing page template that transforms the way users engage with trivia quizzes. Jouzu V2 offers a visually stunning and interactive platform with a user-friendly design that makes it easy to navigate through various quiz categories. With personalized quiz recommendations, daily challenges, and achievements, Jouzu V2 keeps users motivated and entertained. The template supports multiplayer modes, allowing users to compete with friends or join global tournaments. Perfect for developers looking to build a feature-rich landing page, Jouzu V2 combines aesthetics and functionality to deliver a superior user experience. Choose Jouzu V2 and create a landing page that not only entertains but also educates and inspires.


- Landing page designs ( Desktop & Mobile version)

- Design that is easy to adjust

- Layers are well organized and neat

- Open source fonts

- File include .fig .xd .sketch .psd

- Global text and color styles

- Compatible with Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD and Photoshop

**Note** All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the main file.

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