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Genesu - Trivia Quiz Landing Page V2 UI Element

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Short description:

Experience the ultimate in trivia quizzing with Genesu V2, the landing page template that blends style with functionality. Genesu V2 boasts a modern and vibrant design featuring stunning visuals and interactive elements that draw users in. This template showcases popular quizzes, exclusive challenges, and user-generated content, providing a comprehensive overview of your platform. With integrated search functionality and clear call-to-action buttons, Genesu V2 enhances user experience and boosts conversions. Perfect for developers aiming to create a high-performance landing page, Genesu V2 combines style and functionality to attract and retain users. Launch your trivia platform with Genesu V2 and offer your users a premium landing page experience.


- Landing page designs ( Desktop & Mobile version)

- Design that is easy to adjust

- Layers are well organized and neat

- Open source fonts

- File include .fig .xd .sketch .psd

- Global text and color styles

- Compatible with Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD and Photoshop

**Note** All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the main file.

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