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Tishfy1 – Furniture Store Shopify 2.0 Theme Shopify Theme

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Get extra services from TemplateMonster:

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If you don’t want to spend your time installing a template and importing sample data, feel free to order expert assistance.

The installation will be completed within 1 business day after you provide hosting details. After the template is installed, we will provide you with the website’s admin panel credentials so you can start adding content and make other changes.

Please note: The service is valid for one website. The project can be started only after you provide complete and correct details to access your hosting server. Communication with your project manager is in English.

$49 $44
Online Store Installation and Configuration
Show description

This service allows you to launch a brand new online store with your products imported into it.

Within just 1 business day we will do the following:
1) Install and activate your template
2) Configure– currencies
– shipping methods
– default payment gateways
– taxes
– locations (geo zones)
– store contacts
3) Upload your logo
4) Import up to 1000 simple products without options/attributes/combinations from a valid CSV file you provide
5) Configure the main menu (up to 2 levels of the simple menu)
6) Add header & footer links
7) Integrate Google Analytics

Please note:
– Products Import is limited to 1000 simple products, i. e. products without options, attributes, combinations. You must provide a valid CSV file containing all the products.
– The service is limited to standard/official functionality/plugins of a selected engine. Third-party solutions can be implemented only for an additional fee, feel free to contact us to get a quote.


$149 $141
All-in-One Store Setup
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Get your fully functional online store launched within five business days at an astounding price!

This service pack includes everything you need to launch a fully-featured store:

– installation and activation of your template

– full template configuration with Premium Store Setup (delivery time – up to 5 business days)

– extensive SEO optimization to make your store ranked higher in search engines with Extended On-Page SEO Optimization (delivery time – extra 20 business days to perform all the optimizations and see the first results)

– 15 images of your choice from DepositPhotos.com

– Content Writing Service (up to 1000 words)

Please note:

* The service is valid for only one website. Advanced coding and layout modifications are not included in the service, but we can make them for an extra fee.

** The service is provided only for the online stores in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.

*** All the conditions of the included separate services are applied to this package as well. Be sure to discuss all the details and limitations with our pre-sales operators using the chat or by emailing to [email protected]

$679 $579
Premium Features Pack
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Premium Features Pack includes:
– Customizable Products
– Extend Contact Form
– Product reviews and ratings
– Ask a Question on Products Page
– Agree to TOS(terms of service)
– Store Emails
– Recently Viewed Products
– Custom “Under Construction” page

You will get all the listed features implemented on your online store with Premium Starter Kit for Shopify. If you do not like wasting time and paying monthly fees for APPs, you can get useful features on your site within 24-48 hours or less and only pay once. Listed above features are theme-specific.

SEO Analysis & Strategy Planning
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Want to get a comprehensive SEO analysis of your website to detect all technical and on-page SEO issues? If yes, this service is your perfect match. Within the offer, you will receive a detailed report that covers the three most essential areas of website SEO:
– Content and on-site factors analysis
– Technical SEO and indexing
– Off-site authority building and backlink strategy

As a result, you will discover the factors that do not allow your website to rank higher in search engines. More than that, we will handpick the most relevant keywords for 10 website pages. Those will be the keywords with the highest search volume and lowest competition to make sure you are attracting the right people and can effectively beat your competitors.

And in addition to the keywords, you will also get:
– Website structure and heading tag recommendations
– Metadata fixes for the 10 pages you choose
– Content and target page creation recommendations

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Get extra services from TemplateMonster:

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If you don’t want to spend your time installing a template and importing sample data, feel free to order expert assistance.

The installation will be completed within 1 business day after you provide hosting details. After the template is installed, we will provide you with the website’s admin panel credentials so you can start adding content and make other changes.

Please note: The service is valid for one website. The project can be started only after you provide complete and correct details to access your hosting server. Communication with your project manager is in English.

$49 $44
Online Store Installation and Configuration
Show description

This service allows you to launch a brand new online store with your products imported into it.

Within just 1 business day we will do the following:
1) Install and activate your template
2) Configure– currencies
– shipping methods
– default payment gateways
– taxes
– locations (geo zones)
– store contacts
3) Upload your logo
4) Import up to 1000 simple products without options/attributes/combinations from a valid CSV file you provide
5) Configure the main menu (up to 2 levels of the simple menu)
6) Add header & footer links
7) Integrate Google Analytics

Please note:
– Products Import is limited to 1000 simple products, i. e. products without options, attributes, combinations. You must provide a valid CSV file containing all the products.
– The service is limited to standard/official functionality/plugins of a selected engine. Third-party solutions can be implemented only for an additional fee, feel free to contact us to get a quote.


$149 $141
All-in-One Store Setup
Show description

Get your fully functional online store launched within five business days at an astounding price!

This service pack includes everything you need to launch a fully-featured store:

– installation and activation of your template

– full template configuration with Premium Store Setup (delivery time – up to 5 business days)

– extensive SEO optimization to make your store ranked higher in search engines with Extended On-Page SEO Optimization (delivery time – extra 20 business days to perform all the optimizations and see the first results)

– 15 images of your choice from DepositPhotos.com

– Content Writing Service (up to 1000 words)

Please note:

* The service is valid for only one website. Advanced coding and layout modifications are not included in the service, but we can make them for an extra fee.

** The service is provided only for the online stores in English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.

*** All the conditions of the included separate services are applied to this package as well. Be sure to discuss all the details and limitations with our pre-sales operators using the chat or by emailing to [email protected]

$679 $579
Premium Features Pack
Show description

Premium Features Pack includes:
– Customizable Products
– Extend Contact Form
– Product reviews and ratings
– Ask a Question on Products Page
– Agree to TOS(terms of service)
– Store Emails
– Recently Viewed Products
– Custom “Under Construction” page

You will get all the listed features implemented on your online store with Premium Starter Kit for Shopify. If you do not like wasting time and paying monthly fees for APPs, you can get useful features on your site within 24-48 hours or less and only pay once. Listed above features are theme-specific.

SEO Analysis & Strategy Planning
Show description

Want to get a comprehensive SEO analysis of your website to detect all technical and on-page SEO issues? If yes, this service is your perfect match. Within the offer, you will receive a detailed report that covers the three most essential areas of website SEO:
– Content and on-site factors analysis
– Technical SEO and indexing
– Off-site authority building and backlink strategy

As a result, you will discover the factors that do not allow your website to rank higher in search engines. More than that, we will handpick the most relevant keywords for 10 website pages. Those will be the keywords with the highest search volume and lowest competition to make sure you are attracting the right people and can effectively beat your competitors.

And in addition to the keywords, you will also get:
– Website structure and heading tag recommendations
– Metadata fixes for the 10 pages you choose
– Content and target page creation recommendations

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This Service is Available Only for the Subscription Owners
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Short description:

Tishfy1 is a sophisticated and versatile Shopify 2.0 theme designed to transform your furniture store into a seamless, stylish, and highly functional e-commerce platform. Tishfy1 is based on the robust Dawn theme, renowned for its simplicity and performance, and includes all the features of Dawn while offering a plethora of enhanced features and additional sections tailored specifically for the furniture industry. This theme promises to deliver an exceptional user experience, making it easier than ever to showcase your exquisite furniture collections and drive sales. 

The first thing your customers will see when they land on your site is the Hero Slider. This dynamic section is designed to make a powerful first impression, featuring stunning, high-resolution images of your top collections. Each slide is fully customizable with pre-titles, titles, text, and call-to-action buttons, allowing you to highlight the unique selling points of your products. Whether it’s the “Elegance & Style” of your Luxury Living Room Collection or the “Modern Designs” of your Chic Bedroom Solutions, the Hero Slider ensures your best products get the spotlight they deserve.

Tishfy1 includes an 'Image with Text' section that enables you to blend stunning visuals with compelling narratives. This section is perfect for introducing your latest collections, promotions, or brand stories. With the flexibility to position images on the left or right, and to include rich text and call-to-action buttons, you can craft engaging stories that resonate with your customers. The 'New Collection 2024' block, for instance, invites visitors to explore your latest offerings with a sleek design and informative content.

Keeping your customers informed and engaged is crucial, and the 'Recent Blog Posts' section in Tishfy1 is designed to do just that. This section automatically pulls the latest posts from your blog, displaying them prominently on your homepage. With the ability to customize the title and number of posts displayed, you can ensure your customers stay updated with the latest trends, tips, and news related to your products and industry.

Building trust with your customers is essential, and one effective way to do this is by showcasing the reputable brands you carry. The 'Brands' section in Tishfy1 provides a dedicated space to highlight your partner brands, lending credibility and enhancing the perceived value of your products. This section is straightforward yet impactful, making it clear that your store collaborates with recognized and trusted names in the furniture industry.

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for driving sales and customer engagement. The 'Newsletter' section in Tishfy1 is designed to help you grow your subscriber base by offering an inviting and user-friendly sign-up form. With customizable titles and text, you can craft compelling messages that encourage visitors to subscribe and stay connected with your latest offers, news, and updates. This section is a valuable addition to your site, helping to build a loyal customer base over time.

Tishfy1 is built with user-friendliness and customization in mind. The theme's intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for store owners to personalize their sites without any coding knowledge. Each section comes with a range of settings that allow you to tweak and adjust the appearance and functionality to suit your specific needs. Whether you want to change the layout, add new sections, or update the content, Tishfy1 offers the flexibility to make your vision a reality.

Tishfy1 not only brings new features to the table but also retains all the features that make the Dawn theme so popular. This includes its minimalist design, fast loading times, mobile-first approach, and extensive customization options. By building on the solid foundation of Dawn, Tishfy1 ensures that you get the best of both worlds: the reliability and simplicity of Dawn with the added enhancements to meet the specific needs of a furniture store.

Speed and performance are critical factors in e-commerce, affecting both user experience and search engine rankings. Tishfy1 is optimized for fast loading times and smooth performance across all devices. By leveraging the latest Shopify 2.0 features, this theme ensures your site remains responsive and efficient, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Additionally, the clean and well-structured codebase of Tishfy1 enhances overall site performance, reducing the likelihood of technical issues and downtime.

In the competitive world of online retail, search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for driving organic traffic to your site. Tishfy1 is designed with SEO best practices in mind, featuring clean and semantic code, fast loading times, and mobile-friendly design. These elements work together to improve your site's visibility on search engines, helping potential customers find your store more easily. Furthermore, the theme includes built-in SEO settings that allow you to optimize titles, descriptions, and other key elements, ensuring your site ranks well for relevant keywords.

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