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Dice X High Poly 3D model Model

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by Dofaco
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Short description:

This Blue Dice X dice is a high end, photorealistic 3D model, that is created to help you add the realism to your project.The model is suitable for any visual production - broadcast, high-res film close-ups, advertising, games, design visualization, forensic presentation, etc.

The model was originally created in Blender, then fully textured and rendered using Marmoset Toolbag

All geometry and visual aspects of the model are optimized to give you highest possible quality for up to 2k renders. There is no post-production used on any of the renders you see.


-This model is accurately sized to match the real object. -Objects are grouped and named according to their real purpose, allowing the model to be rigged and animated easily. -Clean and optimized topology is used for maximum polygon efficiency. -All materials are tailored and applied for high quality render results. -No extra plugins are needed for this model. -Lights and cameras are included in the scenes.


-Model is included in 1 file formats. -FBX

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