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Back Garden - Animation Asset 3D Model

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by omabu
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Back Garden - Animation Asset 3D Model
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Short description:

A stylized back garden asset suitable for animation, game dev, and other 3D projects.

Contains 140+ models with a simple & editable 36 x 36 pixel textures.



Apple | Artichoke | Aubergine | Avocado | Banana | Blueberry

Broccoli | Bush berry | Capsicum | Carrot | Cauliflower | Cherry

Chilli | Coconut | Corn | Cucumber | Flower | Garlic | Grape

Guava | Kiwi | Leek | Lemon | Lime | Mango | Mangosteen | Onion

Orange | Pea | Pear | Pinapple | Plum | Pomegranate | Potato

Pumpkin | Starfruit | Strawberry | Tomato | Turnip | Watermelon



✔️ 36x36 px texture

✔️ Subdivision ready

✔️ Suitable for animation renders

✔️ LoD

✔️ VR/AR ready

❌ Rigged

❌ Animated

❌ UV mapping



v1.1: Added 100+ new models with up to 4 levels of detail.

v1.0: Initial 36 models.

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