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The Modern and unique Cow Logo Template

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by Nabi
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Short description:

The Modern and unique Cow Logo Template

A Logo is the voice of any business. Your potential clients see it at the forefront of your business which is the core reason it should be done properly. 

We provide professional, unique and modern business logo design that will surely make your business distinct from others.

Modern and unique logo design to choose from 100% satisfaction.

Description of the cow Logo Template files:

1. CMYK colors

2. Easy to edit

3. Modify colors to meet your needs.

4. Illustrator vector arts CS2 

5. AL files

6. EPS files

7. Jpg files

8. Zip file

9. Font used (100% Free): Montserrat

10. Available link

Easy to replacement font and color.

Please, download and give five rate of the logo template.

Thank you 

All visitors.

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