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Marketing Strategy Creative - Keynote template Keynote Template

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Short description:

The goal of marketing strategy is to set a foundation for a business's marketing plan. This is accomplished by having a good understanding of customer wants and needs. A properly prepared strategy will allow the business to focus on the right mix of service and products, to allow it to obtain its potential for maximizing profits. This template based on most popular and successful in 4P model and include all necessary topics and content.


- Agenda

- Executive Summary

- About

- Welcome


- Brand Name

- Related Products

- Functionality

- Packaging

- Quality

- Warranty


- Advertising

- Marketing Budget

- Promotional Strategy

- Publicity and Public Relations

- Sales Force

- Sales Promotion


- Bundling

- Pricing Flexibility

- Pricing Strategy

- Retail Price

- Seasonal Price

- Wholesale Price


- Distribution Centers

- Distribution Channels

- Inventory Management

- Logistics

- Order Processing

- Transportation

- Warehousing

Additional Slides

- Image Gallery

- Maps

- Contacts

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