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Crypto - Illustration Set Vol.01

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Short description:

Friendly Crypto Illustration Set Template is a set of illustration to show the advantages of crypto or blockchain transactions. It is a good illustration to advertise your crypto apps, crypto websites, bitcoin transactions, or any other digital trading campaigns.

This illustration set contains a set of 3 advantages of a crypto transaction using soft and earthy colors in a simple design and friendly to all users that inspired by various crypto illustrations. The three illustrations represent low transaction fees; mobile-friendly that show your apps or website easy to use even on your handphone; and transfer from one user to another user. It will promote your crypto mobile apps or website better than any other illustration.

The set of this crypto illustration is available in various format files, AI, EPS, PNG, PSD, and SVG which the colors and curve can be easily edited by using Adobe Illustration or Adobe Photoshop as you need.

Illustration theme:

1. Low Transaction Fees

2. Transfer

3. Mobile Friendly

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