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Building and Architecture Portfolio Template Corporate Identity

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Building and Architecture Portfolio Template Corporate Identity
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Short description:

Building and Architecture Portfolio Template - The portfolio template design is a visually appealing and professionally crafted layout that serves as a showcase of an individual's or company's work, skills, and accomplishments. It is a flexible tool that can be customized and tailored to fit a variety of creative and business needs, making it ideal for designers, photographers, artists, writers, developers, and other professionals.

The template usually includes a homepage that introduces the portfolio and the owner, as well as links to different sections such as About, Portfolio, Services, Contact, and Blog. The About page provides a brief overview of the owner's background, experience, and goals, while the Portfolio page showcases the best works or projects, often organized by type or category.


- Adobe Illustrator (AI & EPS File)

- 12 Pages Document

- A4 Size (8.27 x 11.69)

– 0.25 Bleed

– Very Easy to Edit

- CMYK 300 DPI

- Free font used

- Images and mockup not included

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