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Unknowing Cartoon Panda. Animal Art. Vector Graphic

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Short description:

Unknowing Cartoon Panda. Animal Art.

Cute cartoon illustration of an unknowing panda shrugging his shoulders in puzzlement. Unique design, children's mascot.

Character art design perfect for DIY, stickers, greeting cards, smartphone cases, posters, t-shirt designs, cups, bags and other printed materials.

Our characters have an engaging and friendly energy that will lift your spirits and create a positive atmosphere!



- EPS-10 universal, created in the program Illustrator. The main layers - signed!

- SVG file layered,

- JPG file 9000 X 9000 px.,

- PNG file transparent 9000 X 9000 px.

- 300 DPI (high resolution)

High-quality vector files, neatly made, fully editable, they can be easily changed, repainted and scaled to any size without loss of quality.


NOTE: Mockups, background on the preview are not included in the kit, they are intended only for demonstration of work.


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