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TruHealth-Medical & Healthcare Figma Template UI Element

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Short description:

TruHealth-Medical & Healthcare Figma Template

The TruHealth - Medical & Healthcare Figma Template is a modern and professionally designed template tailored for healthcare organizations, clinics, hospitals, and medical professionals. It offers a clean, user-friendly interface with customizable layouts and components for creating responsive websites or mobile applications. The template includes essential pages such as home, services, doctor profiles, appointment booking, and blog sections, ensuring a seamless user experience. With its well-structured layers and easy-to-edit elements, it’s perfect for streamlining design workflows and delivering impactful healthcare solutions.


01.home page 

02.About us 

03.Teams page 

04.Features page 

05.Blogpost page 

Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.

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