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Canva Website Template, Canva Website, Shop Website, Website Design for Any Business UI Element

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Short description:

This stylish and easy-to-customize website template on the Canva platform is perfect for coaches, marketing agencies, UGC content creators, and anyone offering premium services who wants to stand out with an elegant one-page website.



- Home

- About

- Services

- Contact

Don't forget that you have the option to quickly add or remove pages from the website as needed. 

You'll receive exactly the same website as shown in the demo!

Once payment is confirmed, the files will be available for immediate download. You'll get two templates: one for the mobile version and one for the desktop version. Both templates include animations, which you can keep, modify, or remove as desired.

Your files will be sent via Etsy, and you can also find them in the purchases section of your account. To do this, click on "YOU" in the upper right corner, then select "PURCHASES" and download the files.

To add the templates to your Canva account, open the PDF file and follow the instructions. Save your copy of the template, then adjust the fonts and colors to match your brand, drag and drop your selected images into the existing frames, and update the text to reflect your business and branding!

Each element of the template is fully customizable, so you can add, delete, or modify anything you like!


A free Canva account is sufficient to use this template, as it contains no paid elements. If you'd like to try Canva Pro, you can sign up for a free trial. You can also connect your own domain to this template.



Since this purchase is instant, refunds or exchanges are not possible. However, if you encounter any issues with downloading or opening the files, feel free to contact me via Etsy, and I’ll work to find a quick solution!

Please note that due to differences in screens, devices, and printers, the colors displayed on your screen may slightly vary from the file you receive. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Reselling or sharing this template with others is strictly prohibited.



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