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Rounded Social Media Titles Lower Thirds - Premiere Pro Template

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Short description:

Social Media Titles Lower Thirds is an awesome and uniquely designed 4K/1080p template for Premiere Pro MOGRT.

It includes 8 modern social media lower thirds which are self-resizing. Just enter your text and every shape and animation will adjust itself to fit the text.

You can also easily change the title’s duration, colors, fonts, and size.

It’s a perfect way to showcase social media links, peoples names and their social media handles on your presentations, slideshows, TV shows, YouTube videos and so much more!


  • 8 Modern Self – Resizing Social Lower Thirds
  • Resizable scale , works with all resolutions, including FULL HD (1980×1280) or 4K (3840×2160).
  • Easily Change Titles Duration
  • Works with Premiere Pro CC2019 and newer versions.
  • How to use Help PDF is included.

After Effects is required to be installed to use this MOGRT file. Even a trial version is fine!

Impress your audience with this up to date and dynamically animated MOGRT template. No plugins required.

Music used in this preview is not included in the download package, but it can be found by Googling for: Modern Stylish By Fugu_Vibes

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