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Minimal Interior Design Brochure for InDesign, MS Word, Affinity Magazine Template

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by Ninos
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Short description:

Minimal Interior Design Brochure is clean, modern, and professional with strong typography that makes your catalog look professional. It’s created in Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word and Affinity Suite (Affinity Publisher, Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo) with 28 pages of documents. This template is suitable for fashion, lifestyle, adventure, property, interior and multipurpose portfolio. It comes in two sizes, A4 & US Letter Size. You can easily change the images, fonts, and colors. It is completely customizable to suit your brand’s colors and corporate fonts

Features :

-Compatible with Adobe InDesign, Affinity Publisher and MS Word

-Adobe InDesign for CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC (.idml, .indd)

-A4 size : 8.27”x11.69”

-Letter size : 8,5”x11”

-Images Placeholder

-CMYK-300 DPI – Print-ready

-Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of proposal

-Professionally designed pages

-Strong focus on typography and usability

-Made very carefully with attention to detail

-Based on master pages

-16 Unique pages

-Paragraph and Text styles included

-Uses free fonts

-Customize any Colour with only 1 click

-Organized layer

Obtained in Packages :

-Adobe Indesign .indd files

-Adobe Indesign .idml files

-Microsoft Word (.Docx)

-Serif Affinity Publisher (.afpub)

-Affinity Designer (.afdesign)

-Affinity Photo (.afphoto)

-Documentation PDF file

-Help File

Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and not actually included on the files

Hope you Like it. Thanks.

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