Data Icons Handmade Collection Icon Set
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Why you should purchase now?
Because we offer free updates, in the upcoming months this collection will be Mega Icons Bundle, so you get the future updates within the current price. We offer great support including after-sales.
Firstly these Icons are BRAND NEW 2019 Edition, we have designed all these icons in 2019. Minimum costs of these icons(each) are at least $10 This bundle is worth: 16 Icons X $10= $160 Only $9, This is for a limited time only. SO HURRY UP!
ONLY $9 THIS MONTH! (real price $19)
The benefits of Icons Bundle
- You can communicate more words in a lesser space by using icons.
- Icons easily fit a finger-operated user interface and also work well with a mouse cursor.
- It is easier to create a brand recall if you have a distinct icon.
- You break language barriers by using icons. You do not need to worry about the need to translate your icons for international users. However, keep in mind the cultural differences while creating an icon to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
- Icons enhance your design and are appealing to the eyes.
Features Of Icons
- 16 Handmade pixel-perfect vector icons based on 64px grid.
- Ai Files.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have ANY Questions or Concerns! We are always available and happy to help. Let's discuss things over with a virtual cup of coffee!
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