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50 Law & Order Glyph Inverted Icon Set

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Short description:

Download this premium 50 Law & Order Glyph Inverted Icon Set published on TemplateMonster.

✅ Icon files have vector, raster graphics type;

✅ The product contains fully editable PNG, SVG, JPG, CDR file formats and is easy to use;

✅ It is compatible with Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw and can be edited with any of these tools;

✅ The icons are designed in colored, glyph, badge styles;

✅ This product will be a great solution for security, finance, military projects.

50 Law & Order Glyph Inverted Icons

Suitable for: Mobile Apps, Websites, Print, Presentation, Illustration, Templates


- Ready to use for all devices and platforms

- 6 Different formats: AI, CDR, EPS, JPG, PNG, SVG

- Designed using unigrid system

- Each Law & Order icon is designed for maximum usability

- 100\% vector icons - Easy to edit and scale

- 20 PNG Sizes

50 Icons:

- Balance

- Order

- Handcuffs

- Building

- Criminal behind bars

- Policeman\'s hat

- Pistol

- Locker Room

- Footprint

- Panel of judges

- Fingerprint

- Legal Document

- Briefcase

- Lawyer

- Policeman

- Lock

- Police Stick

- Gallows

- Police Car

- Arrested Criminal

- Open Book

- Dead body

- Police Badge

- Loud Speaker

- Police Vest

- Cellular Phone

- Books

- Files

- Certificate

- Judge I

- Locker

- Graduate Hat

- Car Siren

- Judge II

- Criminal

- Money Bag

- Typewriter

- Law Book

- Oath

- Court Jury

- Fighting

- Judge giving Order

- Police Van

- Handshake

- Fountain Pen

- Policeman holding Gun

- Policeman holding Stick

- Flashlight

- Security Camera

- Police Helicopter

20 PNG File Sizes:

1. 16x16

2. 24x24

3. 29x29

4. 32x32

5. 40x40

6. 48x48

7. 58x58

8. 64x64

9. 72x72

10. 76x76

11. 80x80

12. 96x96

13. 120x120

14. 128x128

15. 144x144

16. 152x152

17. 192x192

18. 256x256

19. 512x512

20. 1024x1024

Thank You

Hope you like our iconset!

Team IconBunny

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