MonsterONE Pricing
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FREE Digital Items for Any Web Projects

Create your free account and get access to over 2460 items

  • 2460+ Graphics, Presentations & Website Themes
    Register a free account and get unlimited access to all free assets.
  • Unlimited Downloads
    You're not restricted in the number of downloads; get as many items as you need for your projects, remaining within reasonable limits.
  • Unlimited Projects
    You can use all items to create unlimited final products as long as your license is active.
  • Regular Product Updates
    While your subscription is active, you will receive updates for all of your downloads.
  • New Designs Monthly
    Access an ever-growing and constantly updated library of website templates, themes, and design assets.

Get unlimited possibilities to launch your creative projects with MonsterONE Subscription from $12.40/mo

Access to over 493200+ digital items (272K Graphics Items, 18K Website Templates, 29K Presentation and more)

Draftium PRO prototyping tool
(save $99)

Discounts up to 50% on TemplateMonster products not included in the subscription