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Morristown Display Serif Font

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Short description:

Morristown Font is a modern and sharp serif font with a unique look that will make your designs stand out. This font is suitable for designs such as advertisement, business card, café, comic, company sign, concert, design packaging, fashion brand, fast food, heading, label, logo, movie especially horror and thriller genres, musician, poster, sportswear, t-shirt, and more.

This font features three types of styles, Regular, Italic, and Bold.

What you get in the file Includes:

  • OTF Files
  • TTF Files

Morristown Font comes with Uppercase and Lowercase Basic Characters, Numerals, Punctuation, Symbol, and also support multi language. Tested work on MAC or PC. It’s PUA encoded (open with Character Map on Windows and Font book on MAC). This typeface is perfect for industries such as, architect, café, events, fashion, interior design, movies and cinema, musician, restaurant, writer, and anything that needs creepy and horror vibes.

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