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Gollden Sheer Handwriting Font

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Short description:

Gollden Sheer Font is a lovely handwritten font with elegant and minimalist look. This font is perfect for your creative projects such as advertisement, branding project, brochure, business card, fashion brand, furniture, header, interior design, invitation, jewelry, label, letterhead, logotype, magazine, photography, printed design, product designs, product packaging, signage, social media, web design, wedding design, quote, etc.

You’ll get:

  • OTF
  • TTF

Gollden Sheer Font comes uppercase, lowercase, number, punctuation, symbol, also includes a large range of ligature and multilingual characters, swoosh. TrueType and OpenType font files are included. To enable the OpenType, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe InDesign & CorelDraw. PUA Encode Characters – Fully accessible without additional design software. Works on PC & Mac – Simple installations.

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