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Doshtan - Project Management Admin Dashboard Bootstrap 5 Template Admin Template

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Doshtan - Project Management Admin Dashboard Bootstrap 5 Template Admin Template
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Short description:

Doshtan - Project Management Admin Dashboard Bootstrap 5 Template is a project management system with a clean design & the perfect choice for administrators, company managers, projects managers, emails information managers, systems analysts in the projects dashboard in general as a control panel site administrator, created with the Bootstrap 5 framework CSS3, HTML 5, and SCSS to provide the best experience that managers can delve into and take advantage of the features that they are working to show in their distinctive form in this template, The main features are presented below:

Main Features:

  1. HTML5 & CSS3
  2. Responsive Template
  3. Retina Ready
  4. Unique Design
  5. Boxed or Wide layout
  6. Ajax Contact Form
  7. Easy to customize
  8. Well Documented
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