Darken | Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template Admin Template
Darken admin is based on the Bootstrap 5 framework. It is a powerful and developer-friendly admin template. It is based on Sass. It includes colorful, light and dark dashboards. It has a huge collection of UI components with the latest jQuery bootstrap plugins. It is fully responsive and works with all major web browsers, desktops and smartphones. It is suitable for creating all types of web applications such as custom admin dashboards, eCommerce web applications, CMS or CRM web applications.
Template Key Features:
eCommerce Dashboard
Light & Dark Layouts
RTL Examples
60+ Responsive HTML Pages
Easy to Customizable
200+ UI Icons
Multiple Chart Options
W3C Validated Code
Multiple Table Layout Examples
100% Html Responsive Pages
Data Table with Paging & Sorting
Different Type Form Layouts
Validation Forms
Range Slider
Forms Wizard
Invoice Page
User Profile Page
Login/ Registration Pages
Compatible with Small, Medium & Large Screens
Dynamic & Static Widgets
Well Documentation